The Integrative Medicine department at MedVet is comprised of a well-rounded team of doctors and technicians who are uniquely qualified to deliver a full spectrum of noninvasive integrative therapies backed by years of practical experience and unparalleled dedication to each patient’s quality of life.

Integrative veterinary medicine incorporates well-studied and effective complementary and alternative therapies into the practices of traditional medicine. Our team is at the forefront of complementary veterinary medicine and alternative therapies, including pain relief, acupuncture, chiropractic, and rehabilitation services.

MedVet specialists will partner with the Integrative Medicine team to determine follow-up and at-home regimens to optimize your pet’s recovery.  Our Integrative Medicine team works closely with clients and primary care veterinarians in developing a treatment plan aimed to enhance each patient’s natural healing potential.  The integrative approach of combining effective complementary therapies in conjunction with conventional treatments may improve your pet’s comfort and outcomes.

Conditions Commonly Treated by Our Integrative Medicine Team

While helpful for all kinds of conditions, we often recommend integrative medical therapies to patients:

  • Cancer treatment
  • Chronic pain
  • Dealing with chronic medical conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, and feline bladder disorders
  • Geriatric wellness
  • Recovering from orthopedic or neurologic surgery
  • Requiring pain management for degenerative arthritis
  • Suffering from neurologic disease
  • Undergoing treatment for cancer