Is Ibuprofen Toxic to Dogs?
August 15, 2019
Some commonly used medicines that are safe for humans are very toxic to pets. Ibuprofen is helpful to humans but harmful to dogs. Remember to always consult your family veterinarian before giving your pet any medicine, especially if it’s from your own medicine cabinet. What is ibuprofen? Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (commonly referred to as an NSAID- pronounced with the letter n-said). Ibuprofen is a popular and effective over-the-counter…
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How to Protect Your Dog or Cat from Coyote Attacks
June 28, 2019
Coyotes are coming closer to suburban and urban neighborhoods across America. With their habitats shrinking, they are moving closer to us and if given the chance, they could hurt a dog or cat. Here at MedVet, we see small dogs that come in through the emergency department having suffered a coyote attack. Often, these patients require immediate surgery to treat their life-threatening injuries. Understanding the Life and Habits of Coyotes First,…
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10 Useful Tips for Hiking and Camping with Your Pets
June 18, 2019
Camping can be such a fun activity for families and their beloved pets. Many dogs and some cats enjoy traveling and exploring the outdoors with their families, especially in the summer months. Here are ten helpful tips to help make your next adventure into the great outdoors with your pet a success.
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7 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe During Fourth of July Fireworks
June 11, 2019
The Fourth of July is a time for us to celebrate our nation’s independence but for pets it can be an alarming and scary time. In fact, the July Fourth weekend is one of the busiest times of the year at MedVet’s emergency hospitals. Every year, pets are lost, hurt or even killed after being frightened by Fourth of July fireworks. The bang of fireworks can spark fearful behaviors in dogs. These behaviors range…
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Super Toxic Levels of Xylitol Can Be Found in Chewing Gum
There are new chewing gums on the market, such as Spry® Natural Peppermint Gum, that contain extremely high levels of xylitol, a sugar substitute that is toxic to dogs. Spry® is estimated to contain 1 gram of xylitol per piece which is over three times as high a concentration as other xylitol containing gums such as some types of Trident®. The concentration of xylitol can change and varies greatly between products and companies…
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