Immune-mediated Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (“Dry Eye”)

MedVet Columbus is currently enrolling dogs diagnosed with immune-mediated Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (“dry eye”) in a clinical study evaluating the use of an investigational new drug in the treatment of KCS in dogs.

Study Eligibility

  • Dogs must be ≥ 6 months old.
  • Diagnosis of KCS based on history and/or ophthalmic examination.
  • Schirmer Tear Test (STT) of ≥ 2 mm/minute and ≤ 10 mm/minute in one or both eyes.
  • Dogs must have a score of 2 or above on at least 2 of the 3 conjunctival signs associated with KCS.
  • Owner must be willing to comply with the protocol restrictions and the visit schedule.
  • Dogs with chronic medical conditions (for example, endocrinopathies, cardiovascular conditions, atopy, etc.) are permitted, but such conditions must be stabilized prior to enrolling the dog in the study and these animals must not be receiving prohibited concomitant medications.

Exclusion Criteria

  • Dogs with non-KCS ophthalmic conditions that require one or more ophthalmic medications (e.g., glaucoma)
  • Dog diagnosed with KCS at < 6 months of age in order to exclude dogs that may have congenital alacrima.
  • Suspected neurogenic KCS.
  • History of removal of the third eyelid gland in the affected eye(s).
  • KCS associated with a diagnosis of canine distemper.
  • History of parotid duct transposition in the affected eye(s).
  • Punctal plugs in the affected eye(s).
  • Non-healed corneal ulcers.
  • History of local radiation therapy in the ocular region.
  • Other exclusion criteria not listed above will be discussed with you, include certain prohibited concomitant medications.

Study Information

Your dog will be screened to confirm that it fulfills the inclusion/exclusion criteria for this study. During screening, procedures include obtaining medical history, physical examination, blood and urine collection, obtaining a body weight, and an eye examination will be performed. This is a randomized, masked, negatively-controlled trial. Your dog will be randomly assigned to receive the investigational drug or a negative control product (sterile buffered saline). Neither you nor your veterinarian will be aware of whether your pet is assigned to receive the investigational drug or negative control product. Patients will be randomly assigned based on order of eligibility for enrollment to one of the two treatment groups in a 2:1 ratio of investigational drug to negative control product. If your dog is enrolled in the study, you, the owner/undersigned, will be asked to administer treatments to your dog pursuant to Sponsor’s instructions, which will be provided by your veterinarian.

Client Savings

Your dog will receive treatment under this study, including all tests, procedures, and medications, at no cost to you. If your dog has an allergic reaction or is injured as a result of participating in the study, the Sponsor will work with your veterinarian to cover reasonable expenses related to treatment of such reaction or injury. There are no additional expenses for participating in this study. If your pet is excluded or removed from the study, but requires continued care for eye disease, future examinations and procedures will NOT be covered by the research study. An estimate of costs for which you will be responsible will be prepared for you at the time of admission.


If you are interested in the study and would like to learn more, please reach out to Dr. Terah Webb.­


Background Information

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), or dry-eye syndrome, results from deficiency in one or more components of tear production. This is a relatively common, spontaneous disease in dogs resulting from lacrimal gland inflammation. Clinical signs associated with this condition include mucoid ocular discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, ocular discomfort, and corneal vascularization and pigmentation. Chronic corneal ulcers and eventual blindness can occur in severe cases. Current treatment for KCS includes use of artificial tears to provide moisture to the ocular surface and immunosuppressants to decrease the inflammatory response that targets the lacrimal glands. While artificial tears provide relief, these must be administered frequently to be effective. In general, immunomodulating compounds must also be administered multiple times per day. A compound that could be given less frequently, but still be highly effective in treating KCS in dogs, could improve compliance, which may contribute to better treatment outcomes.


Canine Diabetes Mellitus

MedVet is currently enrolling patients at three locations in a study evaluating the effectiveness and safety of a new insulin therapy that is given once a week.

Study Eligibility

  • Patient was recently diagnosed with diabetes or previously diagnosed with diabetes and currently receiving insulin
  • Patient has not been seen or treated for DKA in the past month; if recently diagnosed with DKA, must be considered medically stable
  • Patients cannot have uncontrolled concurrent conditions (well-controlled hyperadrenocorticism is okay)
  • Patients cannot be resistant to insulin therapy.

Requirements of the Owner(s) of Study-Eligible Patients

  • Must be able to return for all scheduled study visits
  • Must monitor the patient’s clinical signs throughout the study
  • Must be able to administer the medication as instructed

Study Information and Client savings

This study will cover visits with a Board-Certified Internal Medicine Specialist, medications, and laboratory testing at no cost to the owner. Set financial support for transition back to conventional insulin at the end of the trial will be provided.


MedVet Mandeville
Jill Yates, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (SAIM) or 985.626.4862

MedVet Northern Virginia
Sybille Miller, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (SAIM) or 703.361.8287

WestVet Boise
Victoria Ochoa, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (SAIM) or 208.375.1600


Lymphoma Study in Dogs

MedVet Akron, MedVet Dallas, and MedVet Salt Lake City are currently enrolling patients in multicenter, fully funded clinical study to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of verdinexor for the treatment of naïve or first relapse lymphoma in dogs.

Study Eligibility

  • We are enrolling canine patients meeting the following criteria:
  • At least one year old.
  • Weighs at least 19 pounds.
  • Confirmed diagnosis of lymphoma by cytology or biopsy.
  • Dog who has not received any treatment for lymphoma OR has failed a single round of any chemotherapy.
  • Has not received prior radiation and/or immunotherapy specifically for the treatment of lymphoma.
  • Is not participating in another study or is receiving an investigational therapy.
  • Is not lactating, pregnant, or intended for breeding.

*Other study inclusion and exclusion criteria apply. The MedVet Medical Oncologist will decide if your patient is a good candidate for this study after examination. *

Study Information

The study is a “controlled” study, which means that some participants receive treatment and others receive a placebo. The treatment or placebo tablets are to be administered with food twice weekly for eight weeks.

This study is also “blinded” or “masked,” meaning that neither you nor the veterinarian making observations will know if your patient received the treatment.


Qualified patients and their owners should expect to stay in the study for 56 days and have six scheduled visits at the participating MedVet location. Clients will also be required to complete health questionnaires, report, and record abnormal daily observations and dosing using a phone app at home throughout the study.

Client Savings

If qualified, your patient would receive (at no cost to you or their owner):

  • Investigational medicine (verdinexor) or the placebo tablets.
  • Study-related examinations and tests.
  • Time with a veterinary specialist


We would be happy to provide you with additional information regarding the study. Please reach out to Dr. Bloch (MedVet Akron), Dr. McQuown (MedVet Dallas), or Dr. Wright (MedVet Salt Lake City).


Cats with Feline Chronic Gingivostomatitis


MedVet Indianapolis is currently enrolling cats with chronic gingivostomatitis that have not responded to standard treatment in a study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a stem cell based therapy to treat cats with FCGS that have not had success with other treatments. This is a multi-site study based on research completed at UC Davis.

Study Eligibility

  • Cats must at least one year old and greater than or equal to 2kgs.
  • Cats must have documented diagnosis of FCGS and have undergone full standard of care therapy, full or pre-molar tooth extractions but are non-responsive for at least three to six months following extractions despite ongoing medical therapy.
  • Cats with co-morbidities are allowed as long as they will not interfere with treatment or evaluation of efficacy of the test article.
  • Owners must be able to return for all study visits over a 12-month period.
  • Cats may not have any planned surgical procedures for the duration of the study.
  • Cats must be free of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant therapy for 28 days prior to therapy and remain off those therapies during the trial. Cats can be on these therapies at the time of the first examination with the MedVet BOARD CERTIFIED VETERINARY DENTIST™.

Client Savings

Lab work and the stem cell therapy will be provided to the owner at no charge.  The sponsor will also cover a significant portion of the administration costs.



Edna Moore (Clinical Studies Coordinator) at or 614.874.1271


Past Clinical Trials at MedVet Hospitals

The following trials are no longer accepting new patients:

  • Dogs With Protein Losing Enteropathy
  • Dogs with Dry Eye
  • Dogs With Osteosarcoma
  • Large Dogs Requiring Ruptured Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repair
  • Cats with Diabetes Mellitus
  • Small dogs requiring ruptured cranial cruciate ligament repair
  • Dogs with pruritus
  • Dogs with osteoarthritis
  • Large dogs requiring ruptured cranial cruciate ligament repair
  • Dogs with congestive heart failure (4 completed studies)
  • Dogs with t-cell lymphoma
  • Dogs with congestive heart failure (multi-site study)
  • Dogs with mast cell tumors
  • Dogs with diabetes mellitus (2 completed studies)
  • Dogs with hip dysplasia
  • Dogs requiring cranial cruciate or luxating patella repair surgery (post-operative pain study)
  • Dogs with ruptured cranial cruciate ligaments
  • Dogs with melanoma, osteosarcoma, soft tissue sarcoma, and squamous cell carcinoma
  • Cats with congestive heart failure
  • Dogs with nasal carcinoma
  • Cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma
  • Dogs with atopic disease
  • Dogs with epilepsy
  • Dogs with lymphoma
  • Dogs with Glioma
  • Dogs With Lens Changes
  • Dogs in Need of an Amputation
  • Dogs with atopic dermatitis

Contact Us

If you have a pet that you believe may qualify for a clinical study, please contact your primary care veterinarian and they can work with us to determine if a clinical trial is the best option for your pet. If you are a veterinarian with a patient that you believe could benefit from a clinical study, please contact us.

MedVet Clinical Trials

If you would like to learn more about MedVet’s Clinical Studies Center or how you can collaborate with one of the clinical investigative teams at MedVet, click here.