Dr. Thaibinh Nguyenba caring for dog.


Dr. Thaibinh Nguyenba is a Board-Certified Veterinary Cardiologist at MedVet Columbus. In addition to providing exceptional care for pets and their loving families, he serves as our Cardiology Specialty Leader, fostering connectivity, communication, and collaboration among our entire team of cardiologists in MedVet hospitals across the U.S. 


Why did you choose to become a veterinarian?

It’s a love story. I mentioned the profession to a certain someone who was absolutely perfect for the field, not yet thinking of it for myself. We spent time volunteering at animal shelters and emergency hospitals, and I saw firsthand how wonderful and rewarding the profession could be. After all, the entire field is dedicated to creatures who cannot speak for themselves! I fell in love with the profession, and the certain someone who started the story with me happened to be my future wife – also a veterinarian!


Why did you choose your specialty?

Cardiology represents the perfect balance between form and function. If not a veterinarian, I think I might have entered the world of architecture. Elements of design, form, and function appeal to me, and there’s no more perfect example of this than the heart.


What’s one of your best memories of a patient along the way?

Not a fair question – there are so many! One story in particular perfectly highlights the human animal bond that we all cherish. Like many of our stories, this begins with a rescue puppy – one with a congenital heart defect called a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). These pups can develop serious heart issues, but most can be helped with a minimally-invasive cardiology procedure. Fortunately for this little girl, there was a family ready to take her in, heart problem and all! We fixed her PDA, and she immediately joined her new home. The beauty of the story is that the family had young adoptive children and wanted show their children how precious an adopted individual can be. So our little PDA pup was essentially born with a purpose and helped complete a family in such a special way! Watch this special story as featured on Animal Planet.


What accomplishment in your career are you most proud of?

I enjoy participating in the growth of our profession and the cardiology specialty. In particular, I find it rewarding to be part of a team that helps develop the next generation of veterinary specialists. We are fortunate to have played host to an inspiring group of cardiology interns and residents, and I value the opportunity to grow alongside each of these individuals who pass through our doors.


What advice would you have for someone considering veterinary medicine and your specialty in particular?

The road can be long and challenging, yet rewarding. Consider it an adventure – embrace the challenges and make sure to enjoy the many moments along the way.


What are you most proud of for the Cardiology specialty at MedVet?

We have amazing cardiology doctors across the country! Each doctor brings a unique skill set to bear when meeting the needs of the day, whether it be treating a patient, educating a family, or collaborating with a colleague. We can provide innovative solutions to challenging cases and are uniquely positioned to contribute to research, education, and scholarship. Just as important, we have phenomenal cardiology team members who work alongside each of our docs, sharing in the trials and joys of each day, helping our patients when they need it most. They are on the front lines. They know the questions to ask, they have the skills to help, and they effortlessly provide comfort when it comes to our cardiology patients and their families. If I’m not bragging about my team at least once a day, then I’m not doing my job!


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