What is the Best Age to Perform Spays & Neuters?

There is an increasing, though controversial, body of evidence calling into question the pros and cons that early spay/neuter may have on cats and dogs.  The AVMA, “supports the concept of pediatric spay/neuter in dogs and cats in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals of these species.”   Our professional association also advises that, “veterinarians should use their best professional judgment based on the current scientific literature in deciding at what age spay/neuter…

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Best Postoperative Antibiotic Choice for Cats and Dogs Having Gastrointestinal Surgery

What is the Best Postoperative Antibiotic Choice for Cats and Dogs Having Gastrointestinal surgery?   There is no “one size fits all” answer.  Gastrointestinal surgery is clean-contaminated.  For the majority of clean-contaminated procedures, perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is all that is necessary.  In our hospitals, Cefazolin given at induction (<30 minutes before skin incision) and every 90 minutes for procedures lasting that long is the norm. The continuation of antibiotic therapy beyond this duration does nothing…

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Treatment Recommendations for Partially Torn Cranial Cruciate Ligaments

The intra-articular component of canine cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) disease remains poorly understood.  Areas of active investigation include the timing of synovitis in relation to ligament damage, the reason inflammation affects the CrCL while not affecting other intra-articular structures and finally, the relative contribution of the biological component of CrCL disease versus the mechanical component of CrCL disease. What is certain, however, is that once torn, the ligament does not heal.  It is theorized that…

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