Selected Viral Dermatoses in Dogs

The increase in social interaction in dogs associated with the growing popularity of dog parks and dog day care facilities has resulted in an increase in canine patients presenting with papilloma virus associated dermatoses. Papillomaviruses are non- enveloped DNA viruses, which are transmitted by direct and indirect contact and specifically infect epithelial cells. Infection occurs at the site of damaged skin or mucous membranes with viral incubation lasting 1 to 2 months. Papillomavirus is fairly…

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Grape Juice – Is it Toxic?

We make dozens of calls to the poison control companies and we thought we would pass on this tip. We had a couple recent calls about dogs ingesting grape flavored products. What we learned was that most products processed with grapes are so dilute that they have never had a case that developed toxicity from this type of ingestion and therefore do not feel they are toxic.

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Toxic Dose of Naproxen in Dogs

Naproxen, most commonly known by the names Midol® and Aleve®, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).  It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain. Like other NSAIDs, it can be used therapeutically in dogs but overdoses and toxicities are common. Naproxen has a narrow margin of safety. Unlike humans and many other species who eliminate naproxen in urine, dogs require extensive enterohepatic recirculation and eliminate naproxen in the feces. This accounts for a…

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