Puppy Elkins: An Approach to Crusting Dermatitis

On initial presentation, “Puppy” was an otherwise healthy 5-year-old, spayed Boston Terrier with a progressive crusting dermatitis of several months’ duration. She was also moderately “itchy” where there were lesions. “Puppy” was treated with antibiotics by her primary care veterinarian for superficial bacterial folliculitis without any improvement in the lesion severity. Antihistamines were prescribed for itching but did not alleviate the issue. Puppy was referred to a veterinary dermatologist. Upon examination, there were widespread…

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Pemphigus Foliaceus in Cats: Symptoms and Treatment

Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) is the most common feline autoimmune skin disease. Pemphigus diseases result from the formation of antibodies against keratinocyte structures, and differ because each has a different target antigen and/or histopathologic feature. Epidermal cells have structures involved in cell-to-cell adhesion (desmosomes) or in cell-matrix adhesion (hemidesmosomes-anchoring fibrils complex). The desmosome is the component that holds keratinocytes (skin cells) together and is one structure in a dynamic system that support and connect cell…

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Leukotrichia in a German Shepherd: “Why is my black dog turning white?”

Vela is a lovely and spirited young 4-year-old, spayed, female black German Shepherd that presented for hair coat color change. Over the last two years, her black hair was slowly turning white. The coat color change started on her head and spread like a wave to her head, neck, shoulders, and limbs. There is no inflammation and no lesions on the skin. Vela was blind when she was adopted. The cause of the blindness…

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