Pre-anesthetic Evaluation Tips for Your Veterinary Patients

General anesthesia poses significant risk to small animals, with dogs and cats potentially experiencing anything from minor complications to anesthetic related death. A thorough pre-anesthetic evaluation is crucial for identifying dogs and cats that are at increased risk and also aids in designing the optimal anesthetic protocol for a given patient. Here are some helpful tips for pre-anesthetic screening. Pertinent Medical History A detailed history is important for uncovering clues about the patient’s physical status. For…

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Dealing with Waste Anesthetic Gases

Waste anesthetic gases are a concern for veterinarians as they pose potential health risks for the hospital staff. Below are some frequently asked questions that may address some of your concerns. What are Waste Anesthetic Gases? Waste anesthetic gases are any inhalant anesthetics that leak into a room during the administration of general anesthesia. Potential sources of waste anesthetic gas include the anesthesia machine and associated equipment during the procedure and then the patient as they…

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Alfaxalone for Anesthesia in Dogs and Cats: What You Should Know

Alfaxalone, also known as alphaxolone or alphaxalone and used under the trade name Alfaxan®, is a neuroactive steroid and general anesthetic drug used in dogs and cats. It can be used as an induction agent or for general anesthesia. Although expensive, it has some important advantages. Below I’ll give you information about dosing, advantages, and some disadvantages. What is Alfaxalone? Alfaxalone is a neuroactive steroid that is approved for use as an injectable anesthetic agent…

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