Treatment Tips for Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS) in Dogs

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, commonly referred to as dry eye, describes the changes in the cornea and conjunctiva which result from a tear deficiency. Below is information about this disease and treatment tips for keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in dogs. The tear film has three layers. The outer most layer is an oily layer supplied by the meibomian glands and it helps to prevent evaporation. The middle layer is the aqueous layer produced by the lacrimal gland. The…

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New Therapeutics in Veterinary Oncology

Veterinary oncology is an ever-changing field, with new drugs and treatments always on the horizon. There are several exciting and new therapeutics in veterinary medical oncology which have recently received full or conditional license by the FDA or USDA. These are therapies, which are either now, or may soon be available, to better treat our furry friends with cancer. ENTYCE (Capromorelin) for Appetite Stimulation in Dogs ENTYCE (capromorelin) is the only FDA-approved therapeutic designed to…

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Cannabis (Marijuana) Toxicity in Dogs and Cats

Cannabis toxicity in dogs and cats is becoming increasingly common. Cannabis has become legalized for both medicinal and recreational use in many states, leading to increased access and development of more potent forms. As access increases and public opinion of cannabis is changing, toxicity is both occurring more frequently and being reported more readily. An understanding of the available formulations and pharmacology of cannabis can be advantageous in the approach to the intoxicated patient. Marijuana…

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