Using Laser therapy, Acupuncture, and the Assisi Loop for Alternative Pain Management in Dogs and Cats

Our Spring Issue of The MedVet Updateincluded information about opioid shortages and new ways to manage acute and perioperative pain.The opioid shortage has brought to light the opportunity to share some additional options for managing pain in dogs and cats. Many of the options listed are newer technologies for veterinary medicine and some are rather ancient. We will review laser therapy, acupuncture, and the Assisi Loop for alternative pain management in dogs and cats. All, however, have…

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USP 800: Impact of New Regulations on Veterinary Hospitals

Update on USP 800: New Regulations Aim to Enhance Safety for Veterinary Team Members Handling and Administering Chemotherapeutic Agents What is USP 800? The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a nonprofit organization that sets standards to promote the quality and safety of medicines and foods. USP Chapter 800 (initially published in 2014 and revised in 2016) describes safety standards for handling hazardous drugs in healthcare settings. The goal of these regulations is to enhance veterinary…

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Tracheal Collapse in Dogs

Diagnosis and Treatment of Tracheal Collapse in Dogs Tracheal collapse is most common in middle aged to older small breed dogs with the Yorkshire terrier, Pug, Chihuahua, Poodle, and Maltese being over represented. The condition can be congenital but is often caused by progressive generative changes of the tracheal cartilages (tracheomalacia) leading to a loss of tracheal integrity and a subsequent reduction of tracheal diameter. This loss of tracheal diameter leads to clinical signs including…

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