Understanding the Use of Arthroscopy in Dogs

Arthroscopy has become the mainstay of most surgeries involving joint evaluation in human medicine and has grown in popularity in veterinary medicine. Arthroscopy can be thought of as the pinnacle of minimally invasive surgery; prior to its usage, the open arthrotomy was used for joint evaluation. There are numerous advantages to minimally invasive surgery when compared to an open procedure in dogs. Arthroscopy can be utilized in cats, however due to size limitations, this is…

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Partial Cruciate (CrCL) Ruptures in Dogs

Diagnosis and Causes of Partial Cruciate (CrCL) Ruptures in Dogs  Hind limb lameness is a very common presenting complaint in clinical practice. Cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) disease is the cause of lameness in a significant number of those pets. When a patient has an obvious cranial tibial thrust and/or drawer motion on exam, most veterinarians feel comfortable guiding the client towards surgical stabilization and a great long-term outcome. But what about the patient with lameness localized to…

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Turn Uncomfortable Cost Conversations Into Caring Solutions

Turn Uncomfortable Cost Conversations Into Caring Solutions Even the most experienced veterinary staff can get squirmy when it comes to discussing the cost of care with clients. As Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, explained, “As a veterinary practitioner, I found it easier to discuss life and death with my clients than dollars and cents. What is it about money, fees and costs that is so daunting, threatening and downright scary? It may be that talking about…

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