History of Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation at MedVet

Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation at MedVet In 2006 when we were introduced to endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (endolaser, ECP).  At the time it was Drs. Dineli Bras, Milt Wyman, and me comprising the MedVet ophthalmology team.  We were all intrigued, excited, and apprehensive all at once about the potential therapy this laser might provide.  There were studies in people and certain MD ophthalmologists well versed in its utility, but how could we transfer it over to our patients? …

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Intoxication Management with Intravenous Lipid Emulsion (ILE) Therapy for Dogs and Cats

Intoxication Management with Intravenous Lipid Emulsion (ILE) Therapy for Dogs and Cats Dealing with intoxicated veterinary patients can be difficult. There are few toxins for which there is an antidote. Often, the options available to the clinician are limited to supportive care while waiting for the toxic signs to abate. The recent development of another option in treating certain severe toxicities, intravenous lipid emulsion (ILE) is garnering attention. Proposed in the late 1990s, intravenous…

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Canine Glaucoma

When I was asked to write about a topic for the upcoming MedVet newsletter, I knew I wanted to write about Glaucoma because it occupies a lot of my time lately (more about that later).  Here I was, contemplating the current state of glaucoma, after a long day of glaucoma cases, sitting at an empty Word document, considering turning in a single page, with 54 font type, “Glaucoma, the story that always ends in blindness. The…

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