Management of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder (FLUTD)

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disorder (FLUTD) describes a clinical syndrome which manifests as pollakiuria, stranguria, and hematuria. Cats also frequently develop a habit of inappropriate elimination, which can hamper the human-animal bond and may result in relinquishment or euthanasia, making understanding of how to treat this a disorder of crucial importance. It is estimated that 5% of cats develop FLUTD, with equal representation between males and females. However, due to anatomical differences, there is a…

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Approach to New Onset Seizures in Senior Dogs and Cats

Seizures are a common clinical sign in many diseases of the brain. In broad terms, the etiology of a seizure falls into three general groups: idiopathic (sometimes referred to as ‘primary epilepsy’), reactive (in response to a metabolic disturbance or toxin), and structural (cause by cerebral pathology). In any patient presenting for recent onset seizure activity, there is one critical question that should be answered during initial evaluation: “Are there any signs of reactive or…

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Tips for Evaluating Dogs With Elbow Dysplasia

Tips for Evaluating Dogs With Elbow Dysplasia Forelimb lameness, whether unilateral or bilateral, in our canine patients can be difficult to assess and seem overwhelming. There are many potential causes of forelimb lameness making the physical examination a very important initial diagnostic tool. Even before the initial examination, the signalment of the patient is paramount in making the correct diagnosis. The age of the dog can greatly aid the clinician, as there are certain disease…

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