Pain Management for the Feline Patient

Across the globe cat ownership is on the rise with more than 30% of American households owning at least one feline companion. Over the years improved preventative medicine has extended the lifespan of many companion animal species, including cats, which has led to a large increase in the geriatric population. With age comes many of the same aches and pains we as humans experience such as joint, bone and muscle pain, dental pain, cancer pain,…

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How Do You Foster Long-Term Veterinary Client Relationships?

In today’s environment we are surrounded by choices. Where to eat? Where to shop? What doctor to see? The same holds true for veterinary healthcare. Pet owners have a choice of where they will take their beloved pet for their medical care and other services such as grooming, boarding, and training. So what is it that attracts them to seek care from you and your practice? Not only do they make a choice based on…

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Ventricular Arrhythmias Under Anesthesia in Dogs and Cats – When Do You Worry?

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are commonly performed during routine anesthesia to monitor the heart rate and rhythm of your canine and feline patients. ECGs help assess the patient’s cardiovascular stability. Various arrhythmias can be encountered during an anesthetic event and ventricular arrhythmias are one of the more insidious types. Ventricular arrhythmias are abnormal, premature beats, originating from the ventricles. These beats can be differentiated from normal sinus beats because they are not associated with a p-wave, are…

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