How to Think: the Link to Becoming a Better Veterinarian

As doctors we are trained to believe that facts and details will help us achieve the correct diagnosis and outcome for our patients. What if I told you that HOW you think about a patient…your cognitive process…is the most important part of being a diagnostician? The ability to obtain key information, zero in on the important facts, and avoid overlooking relevant data is at the heart of getting it right. Almost ALL medical mistakes center on cognitive…

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Interlocking Nail Fracture Fixation and the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Osteosynthesis in Dogs and Cats

Interlocking nail (ILN) fracture fixation is often considered the gold standard for the repair of many types of fracture configurations by human and veterinary surgeons. The procedure utilizes a large intramedullary rod through which interlocking bolts are placed distally and proximally on a long bone (Figures 1 & 2 ). It is typically used in humeral, femoral, and tibial fracture repair. Figure 1: Lateral radiographs of a right comminuted femoral fracture in a…

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Collaborative Care in Ophthalmology: it’s so much more than eyeballs!

Working within a multi-specialty hospital provides a fantastic opportunity for collaborative care, with numerous benefits to the patient, their owners, and our valued referral partners. Over the past five years, the Ophthalmology Services team has strengthened its relationships with a few departments to provide the highest quality collaborative care. Here’s why this is so important. Anesthesia & Pain Management: The most common type of patient with ocular disease is brachycephalic. These patients need individualized anesthetic…

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