An Argument for Early Brachycephalic Airway Surgery in Dogs

Brachycephalic dogs commonly present to veterinary hospitals for a variety of reasons. Airway compromise is a common occurrence with even simple procedures making an argument for early intervention for brachycephalic airway surgery. Below is an example of what we see in our emergency rooms and ICU. An Example of Brachycephalic Airway Compromise  A 7-year-old male neutered French Bulldog presents to the hospital for cutaneous mass removal. As many of his breed, he is obese with…

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IDEXX Diagnostic Challenge: Puppy with a Fever

A 5-month-old female intact French Bulldog puppy residing in Kentucky presented to her primary veterinarian for lethargy, lymphadenopathy, and fever. The puppy had been recently purchased from a pet store. A CBC, serum chemistries, and urinalysis were run and the puppy was found to be moderately anemic. The anemia was non-regenerative at that time. The remaining CBC was WNL.  Review the blood slides (figure 1 and figure 2) below and consider your interpretation. What Is…

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Back Basics: When and Why to Offer Neurosurgical Referral for Dogs

Spinal cord injury in the dog has a variety of stages (peracute to chronic) and severity (from complete paralysis) on emergency presentation to a planned appointment for back pain. While many diseases can cause damage to the spinal cord, it is key to recognize which diseases can be managed on an outpatientbasis and when patients should be referred for neurosurgical diagnostics and treatment. Common Diseases Causing Spinal Cord Injury in Dogs The most common diseases…

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