Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2021   At MedVet, we are proud to celebrate the beauty of individuality and the unique contributions that make our world a better place. In honor of Asian…

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Dr. Caeley's Corner - Volume 1

“Prevalence and Characterization of Hypoadrenocorticism (HA) in Dogs with Signs of Chronic GI Disease; A Multicenter Study” – Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, June 2020   Key Points: 30% of dogs with hypoadrenocorticism are found atypical (exclusive glucocorticoid deficiency therefore electrolytes are normal). These cases often present with GI signs (anorexia 89%, vomiting 72%, diarrhea 35%). Other signs included abnormal fecal consistency (mucoid stools, tenesmus, hematochezia, melena). GI signs are…

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Women's History Month 2021 - Women Veterinary History Makers   MedVet is proud to celebrate Women’s History Month by highlighting key Women History Makers along with some of our own key contributions to the veterinary profession. Women have had a growing impact on the veterinary community. Early on in veterinary medicine, only around 0.8% of graduates were women. Today they are the majority with about 64% according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. That trend…

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