How to Remove Skunk Odor From Your Pet

  Skunks are well known for their unique defense mechanism of spraying an oily, thick, and stinky secretion from the anal glands when they feel threatened. If that threat was your pet, it can lead to a stinky situation. You may have heard that bathing your pet in tomato juice is the best way to get rid of the odor, but it seldom works. Instead,…

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What is Veterinary Social Work?

  The bond between an animal and person is one of the most cherished life experiences for many people. Our pets are often a treasured part of the family. As with other family members, they can provide us with joy, laughter, and long-lasting, fond memories. Our compassion can also cause us to suffer from worry, stress, and grief when the relationship with our pet is in jeopardy. When our beloved pet…

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Dogs Beware of Xylitol - Toxic Ingredient in Some Peanut Butters!

Veterinarians commonly recommend peanut butter as a way for pet owners to give dogs their pills. However, care must be taken when choosing which peanut butter to use based on the addition of xylitol to some peanut butter brands. Xylitol is a sweetener used in gum, baked goods, and many products designed for people with diabetes due to its low glycemic index and low calorie content. It is highly toxic to some dogs, causing low…

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