Cushing’s Syndrome (Cushing's Disease) in Dogs

Cushing’s syndrome, also commonly called Cushing’s Disease, is a common disorder of the canine endocrine system.  Dogs with Cushing’s syndrome produce an excessive amount of a hormone called cortisol. Normally, cortisol helps the body respond to stress. However, over production of cortisol can have harmful effects on your dog’s organs, diminishing health and vitality. The vast majority of dogs develop Cushing’s syndrome due to a tumor of the pituitary gland (Pituitary Dependent Cushing’s).  Most of…

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Food Allergy in Dogs and Cats

A food allergy is a reaction to food that involves the body’s immune system. Typically, a protein or carbohydrate particle in the food is the culprit. Your pet may itch, lick or chew different areas of the body as a response to the allergy inflammation. You may notice pronounced itching in the paws, flank, groin, neck or ears. The itching can occur all seasons. Many pets may have chronic ear infections and anal gland problems…

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Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

Mast cell tumors (MCT) in dogs are very common, accounting for approximately 20% of all skin tumors diagnosed in dogs. Mast cell tumors can arise from any skin site on the body, and can have a variety of appearances.  We do not know what causes mast cell tumors in dogs. At this time, no carcinogenic agents or viral organisms have been found to directly cause MCT. Symptoms of a Mast Cell Tumor MCTs most commonly…

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