Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Dogs and Cats

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most advanced imaging technique used in veterinary medicine.  MRI provides detailed images of internal structures and reveal subtle abnormalities that cannot be identified with radiographs or CT scans. In some disease processes, MRI is the only imaging technique that can permit an accurate diagnosis. It is also the safest imaging modality for can evaluation of the spinal cord.  MRI is considered the gold standard of diagnostic imaging for diseases…

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Massage Therapy for Pets

Massage therapy has been around for thousands of years and is practiced in many cultures. References to massage appear in writings from ancient China, Japan, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome.  People have been performing some form of massage on their animals throughout history.  Modern massage techniques were used primarily for racing horses starting in the late 20th century. Canine massage grew in popularity as people noted the benefits of equine massage. Massage therapy can be…

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Energy Therapy for Cats and Dogs

  To most of us, energy calls to mind something that turns lights on and off, runs our cars or is supplemented by vitamins.  We don’t realize we are made of energy, and that we interact with people and animals on an instinctive, energetic basis. All living and non-living substances are made of vibrating electromagnetic energy– just like light, sound or microwaves.  We literally send off an invisible electromagnetic field in all directions, like ripples…

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