Feeding Tubes for Short and Long Term Nutritional Needs in Pets

Adequate nutrition can be an important aspect in the management of any disease process.  There is an ever-growing body of evidence that supports the use of nutrition early on in many diseases.  Early and appropriate nutrition can hasten recovery, shorten hospitalization, and even decrease the level of pain or discomfort in patients.  The fact that in some cases our patients will not eat willingly on their own can present a challenge in the process of…

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Radiation Therapy in Dogs and Cats

Your Doctors: Deborah M. Prescott, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVR Heather A. Lasher, DVM, DACVR Jenny R. Schutte, DVM, PhD Candidate Types of Radiation Therapy  Full Course Radiation Therapy Full course RT is also known as definitive or curative RT.  The goal of full course RT is long-term tumor control. For best results, this type of RT is often combined with surgery and/or chemotherapy.  Typically, one treatment or fraction is given per day (Mon–Fri) over…

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Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC) in Dogs

Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the most common canine tumor of the bladder and urethra.  At this time, the cause of transitional cell carcinoma is not known.  Exposure to carcinogenic compounds is suspected to be a contributing factor, but very few specific agents have been identified. TCC is seen more commonly in female dogs than males.  Certain breeds, including Scottish terriers, West Highland White terriers, Airedales, Collies, Shelties, and Beagles, appear to be predisposed. Clinical…

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