Demodicosis in Dogs

  Demodicosis, commonly referred to as Demodex, is a disease caused by a mite (Demodex spp.) that lives deep in the hair follicles. This mite is transmitted from the dam to offspring during suckling and is found in very small numbers on all dogs. It is believed these mites may initially cause dermatitis in dogs due to an immunologic or genetic disorder. Types and Causes of Demodicosis in Dogs  This can occur in two “general”…

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Bathing Recommendations for Dogs with Allergic Skin Disease

Allergic skin disease is one of the most common skin problems affecting dogs. Bathing is one of the key treatments. To help your dog, it is important to understand the bathing steps to perform them correctly. Below are six steps to bathing your dog to help control the symptoms associated with skin allergies including itching, redness and infections. 1. Soaking Always use cool to tepid water to wet the entire hair coat thoroughly before…

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Antihistamine History Form

This is an Antihistamine History Form so that we can determine which drugs your pet was on and how they worked. Please let us know how the various antihistamine drugs worked for your pet.   Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)-helped a little–helped a lot–didn’t help at all–sedated Duration­­­­­ of treatment: _________   Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)-helped a little–helped a lot–didn’t help at all–sedated Duration of treatment: _________   Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril)-helped a little–helped a lot–didn’t help at…

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