Cold Weather Pet Safety

Help ensure your pets stay happy and healthy this winter by keeping these five cold weather pet safety tips from our Emergency Medicine team in mind. Limit Exposure to Freezing Temperatures: If it is too cold for you to be outside, it is likely too cold for your pet. Be mindful of the amount of time your pet spends outside. Even short-term exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to frostbite and hypothermia .

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What Can Veterinarians Do to Help in a National Disaster?

The hurricanes that have plagued the southeast United States and the Caribbean in the recent weeks have made me question what my role is as a veterinarian in a national disaster and what can I do for my patients and pets during one?   I was astounded by troubling information gained by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  Did you know that since emergency response teams were overwhelmed rescuing people, nearly 600,000 animals died or were stranded (Yuijano,…

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3 Common Questions About Canine Total Hip Replacement

3 Common Questions About Canine Total Hip Replacement We commonly get questions about total hip replacement surgery in dogs. Here are the most common questions answered. What size and age must a dog be in order to be considered for total hip replacement? Since the introduction of the micro and nano total hip replacement systems (Figure 1) we can now perform this surgery in dogs and cats as small as ~ 4 kg and there is…

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