Is Your Pet in Pain? Look for these signs.

September is Pain Awareness Month. Originally started in 2001 by the American Chronic Pain Association, this annual event raises public awareness of issues around pain and pain management. With this in mind, now is a great time to learn about symptoms of pain in cats and dogs. Cats and dogs experience many types of pain, just like we do. Think about the last time you had the flu, or had a sprain/strain, a broken bone,…

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Diseases that Can Lead to Heatstroke in Dogs

Summer is the season of fun in the sun, but it can also be hot, and even too hot for some. Medical conditions affecting specific breeds can cause dogs to be intolerant to heat and lead to heat exhaustion or stroke. Below, we discuss how laryngeal paralysis and Brachycephalic syndrome can increase the risk of heatstroke in dogs. Laryngeal Paralysis in Dogs Laryngeal paralysis is a disease usually affecting older, large breed dogs, namely Labrador…

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Heatstroke in Dogs

Some like it hot, but does your dog? During summer, the flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, and it is wonderful to be outdoors and play in the sunny weather. Many of us also look forward to playing with our pup in the nice weather. However, sometimes it can be too hot for us. The same thing is true for our canine companions. Many of us are aware of the dangers of leaving dogs…

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