7 Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe During Fourth of July Fireworks

The Fourth of July is a time for us to celebrate our nation’s independence but for pets it can be an alarming and scary time. In fact, the July Fourth weekend is one of the busiest times of the year at MedVet’s emergency hospitals. Every year, pets are lost, hurt or even killed after being frightened by Fourth of July fireworks. The bang of fireworks can spark fearful behaviors in dogs. These behaviors range…

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What is a Veterinary Resident?

Clients often ask us the question “What is a Veterinary Resident”? A veterinary resident is a licensed veterinarian. This means they have graduated from an accredited veterinary school, successfully passed state and national examinations, and have chosen to enter an optional training program following their veterinary education. Rest-assured that veterinary residents are qualified to treat your pet with knowledgeable and compassionate care. A veterinary residency is generally a three-year program designed to provide veterinarians…

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What Is Tear Staining in Dogs? How Do I Treat It?

Everything You Wanted to Know About Tear Stains in Dogs   Pet owners often seek advice on how to treat the messy, frustrating problem of tear staining in dogs. If you research online the phrase “tear staining”, you will find numerous different products, ideas, and suggestions that claim to fix or prevent the staining. The fact that there are so many products available means that there is not ONE magic treatment or approach that will…

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