Marijuana Intoxication in Dogs and Cats

“As marijuana is being legalized in more states and its use is becoming more widespread where it’s not legal, we’re seeing more intoxications,” says MedVet Columbus criticalist Natashia Evans, BVSc, DACVECC. “When users compound the drug with a fatty solution like oil or butter, two things happen. The toxicity increases and the risk of pets getting into it increases too.” Evans says that a dog that has ingested a comparatively small amount of the compounded…

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House Dust Mite Allergies: 8 Steps to Control Exposure in Dogs and Cats

Hypersensitivity to house dust mites is a common problem for dogs, cats as well as people.  House dust mites are microscopic and ubiquitous.  They feed on human and animal dander, skin scales and hair.  They are frequently found in beds, mattresses, carpets, sofas and pet bedding.  Mites can flourish in the home environment because the temperature and humidity are optimum (50-70% relative humidity). It is difficult and even impossible to eliminate mites from the environment…

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Is Ibuprofen Toxic to Dogs?

  Some commonly used medicines that are safe for humans are very toxic to pets. Ibuprofen is helpful to humans but harmful to dogs. Remember to always consult your family veterinarian before giving your pet any medicine, especially if it’s from your own medicine cabinet.   What is ibuprofen? Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (commonly referred to as an NSAID- pronounced with the letter n-said). Ibuprofen is a popular and effective over-the-counter…

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