Glaucoma in your Pet – Can You Slow Down This Sight Stealer? 

Nearly 3 million Americans and more than 60 million people worldwide have glaucoma. As the second leading cause of blindness in humans, it makes sense that there is a focus every year on raising awareness about this “sneak thief of sight” with National Glaucoma Month. As we’re having conversations about this condition in humans, let’s talk about glaucoma in your pet.   Glaucoma occurs in nearly 2% of dogs in North America,…

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Thyroid Disorders in Your Pet - Treatment for Dogs and Cats

  Sometimes weight can be like a roller coaster. You gain some. Then you lose some. Then maybe you gain a few more pounds back. It’s true for people, and it can be true for pets. But did you know that weight swings like this in your pet may be a sign of thyroid disorders?     What is the thyroid? The thyroid gland is an organ in the neck…

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Pet Cold Safety - 10 Tips for Plummeting Temperatures

  Across much of the United States, the winter months bring colder temperatures, ice, and snow. Fresh snowfall can be beautiful and even fun for your pet at times. But the cold weather also brings challenges to keeping your pet healthy and safe. Prevention is the best way to protect your pet’s wellbeing and keep them out of the emergency room. Here are 10 pet cold safety tips…

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