Five Ways to Keep Your Pet Out of the ER on Valentine’s Day 

  Chocolate-filled hearts. Candles. Flowers. Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time to show others how much you care for them. But some of our favorite gifts are dangerous for your pet. Help keep your pet out of the ER by avoiding these five Valentine’s dangers.     1. Giving flowers? Avoid lilies and watch thorns on roses. Lilies, including all members of the Lilium and Hemerocallis genera, are highly…

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What Does it Mean if My Pet Has a Heart Murmur? 

  The heart is one of the hardest-working organs in the body. It contracts thousands of times a day to move blood and deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. An adult dog’s heart beats between 60 and 140 times per minute. For a cat, it is typically between 140-180 beats per minute. When listening to a normal heartbeat, there are two sounds – a lub and…

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Seizures in Pets - Knowing the Signs and What to Do

  The brain is amazing. It houses an extraordinary number of electrical impulses and trillions of connections controlling everything in the body. With so many connections, it’s not surprising that sometimes there can be a misfire. Such abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes seizures in pets.   Seizures can occur from an issue outside the brain (metabolic) or an issue inside the brain. Issues outside the brain may include…

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