Pet Identification: Increase the Chance of Reuniting with Lost Pets

  According to the American Humane Society, approximately 10 million pets are lost each year in the United States. Most commonly, this occurs when a pet gets out of their collar, off leash, or out of their home, crate, or yard. These situations can occur at any time and to anyone; even the most vigilant pet owners and pet professionals. Fortunately, you can increase…

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Preventing Dog Bites - Tips for Protecting Your Loved Ones

  According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), there are 77 million dogs in the United States and approximately 38% of US households own at least one dog. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) collected information indicating 4.7 million dog bites occur per year (this is an approximate ratio of 1 out of 73 people). Half of…

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Pet First Aid - Understanding the Basics to Help Your Pet

  Would you know what to do to help your pet in a medical emergency? Would you be prepared if your pet was bleeding, ingested a toxic substance, or worse? Calm and quick action can make a difference in stabilizing your pet until you get emergency care. You can be prepared with some pet first aid basics before an issue arises with the tips below. Please keep…

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