Protecting Your Pet from Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke

  Those long, hot, lazy days of summer can be quite enjoyable. But rising temperatures can mean rising concerns for your pet’s health. Overheating can lead to serious health consequences for your pet. Understanding the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke and knowing how to keep your pet cool can help you keep a trip to the ER off your summer to-do list.    How Pets Stay Cool If you want to make sure your pets don’t overheat, it’s most important to understand what they do…

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Which Fruits Are Safe for Your Dog to Eat?

    Nothing says summer like fresh produce. Sweet, vine-ripened strawberries, mouth-watering melons, and juicy peaches are just a few of the fruits that tempt our tastebuds when the temperatures rise. Many of these summertime favorites can be shared as a healthy treat for your dog, especially if they are prepared correctly. Fruits are often low in calories, provide additional vitamins and minerals, and can even help your dog stay hydrated.

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Dogs and Knee Surgery: Understanding TPLO Surgery 

  Dogs have a cranial and caudal cruciate ligament, like a human’s anterior (ACL) and posterior ligaments. The cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) is the one most commonly torn and is one of the major stabilizers in the knee. Rupturing the CCL is one of the most common causes of lameness in the rear legs of dogs. Veterinarians often perform tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) surgery to fix the tear.    Are their risk…

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