Disaster Preparation and Your Pet: Would You be Ready?

  When we think of disaster preparation, we often think about preparing our homes for natural disasters. We share with our families what to do in case of a fire. We know where to head for a tornado. You may even know evacuation routes to safely leave the area in case of floods or hurricanes. Along with these plans, you may have some flashlights tucked away for a power outage from…

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Puppy Care 101: Caring for Your New Puppy

  Thinking of getting a little furry friend to add to your family? Or have you already added this cutie to your family and now you’re finding that you really don’t know much about puppies? Adding a puppy to your family is an amazing experience. But it’s not without some frustrations. However, with a little patience, a lot of love, and the tips below, you’ll be a prepared puppy parent!   …

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Back-to-School Pet Safety: Keep Your Pet Out of the ER

  Back-to-school season is an exciting time for many families. New classes, teachers, clothes, and supplies. In the hustle and bustle of getting back into the swing of things, we might not notice how it is affecting our pets. Some pets may adjust easily, but others may experience stress or anxiety about the changes. This time of year can also introduce new items into your home for your pet to explore. We’ll look at some of the things you should…

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